There are several different kinds of hearing aids you can purchase when you are experiencing hearing loss from traditional, prescription hearing aids you receive from the audiologist to over-the-counter (OTC) devices that are purchased online or in a store. 

The wide variety of available hearing aids can make it difficult for individuals with hearing loss to know which device to choose, which is why, in this article, we are going to take a look at one of the most recently approved options right now: OTC hearing aids.

What are OTC hearing aids?

OTC hearing aids are simply hearing devices that you can buy without a prescription from an audiologist or health professional. Although they are marketed as being hearing aids, it is often the case that OTC hearing aids are simply high-quality amplifiers with none of the extra features that other hearing aids can offer.

A common benefit of OTC hearing aids is that they are easily available without an appointment and that you can simply switch them on and they will start amplifying sounds for you. It’s important to remember; however, that this convenience does come at the cost of customization options and features that improve the listening experience.

This might make OTC hearing aids seem like a great choice, but for most people who are experiencing hearing loss, there are a number of drawbacks to using OTC hearing aids.

The Pitfalls of OTC Hearing Aids

If you are thinking about buying OTC hearing aids to save time and money, then you need to first understand the pitfalls of using them as opposed to traditional devices like in-the-ear (ITE), behind-the-ear (BTE) and in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids, so let’s take a look at some of the drawbacks of OTC devices below:

Not Suitable for Severe Hearing Loss

One of the biggest drawbacks of using OTC hearing aids is that they have not been designed with moderate-to-severe hearing loss in mind. They work well for people who have experienced mild hearing loss when they are in a quiet location, but for people who have more complex cases and people who are attending crowded areas, they are not great because, although they will amplify sounds, they will amplify all sounds equally, which can get pretty noisy.

They Cannot Be Calibrated to Your Needs

One of the things you can do with audiologist-prescribed hearing aids is have the audiologist calibrate them so that they are perfect for your particular needs. Not everyone experiences hearing loss in the same way and hearing aids are delicate instruments, so the more they can be customized to your own needs, the better they will support you with your hearing loss.

Unfortunately, OTC hearing aids cannot be calibrated in the same way. They are very basic machines that you can simply turn up or turn down the volume on and little else So, although they might be helpful at a pinch, if you need to wear a hearing aid long term, then seeing an audiologist for a professional hearing aid fitting is likely to be your best course of action.

They Don’t Require a Professional Hearing Test

This might sound like a good thing if you are short n time, but your hearing is so important that you really should be having regular hearing tests, especially as you get older.

If you choose OTC hearing aids, you will not be able to benefit from the attention of a professional audiologist who can administer a hearing test and flag up any problems. This means that any hearing issues you have that should be treated won’t be, and that you will not be able to access the best possible hearing aids for your condition.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, although there are many benefits to buying OTC hearing aids, it is fair to say that they are the least best option for anyone who is suffering from significant hearing loss.

If you are experiencing hearing loss right now, then you should definitely make the time to see a qualified audiologist who can test your hearing, help you choose the right hearing aid to meet your needs, and calibrate it so that it does the best possible job of supporting you to hear clearly now and int he future.

Speak to a Professional Today

If you would like to know more about OTC hearing aids and other hearing devices, then you need to talk to an audiologist to assess your current situation. Call Flynn Associates today for expert advice about your hearing health. You can reach us at: Concord: (978) 759-3540 and Wellesley: (781) 943-5040.

Tags: faqs, hearing aid basics, over-the-counter hearing aids