The ability to hear is an essential part of communication and daily life. But unfortunately, millions of people worldwide experience difficulty hearing, which can lead to significant challenges in their personal and professional lives. Fortunately, advancements in assistive technologies, in combination with the expertise of audiologists, can help individuals with hearing difficulties regain their ability to communicate and fully engage in the world around them. This article will help you explore the benefits of combining hearing aids with other assistive technologies.

Different Types of Assistive Technologies for Hearing Loss

Assistive technologies for hearing loss come in many forms and serve various purposes. For example, some assistive technologies are designed to improve speech recognition, while others are designed to increase comfort, connectivity or safety. Some examples of assistive technologies for hearing loss include remote microphones, directional microphones, telecoils, personal sound amplifiers, vibrating alarms and FM systems. 

It is essential to work with an audiologist to determine which assistive technologies are best suited to your specific needs and lifestyle. In addition, an audiologist can guide in selecting and using assistive technologies to improve your hearing and quality of life.

Improved Speech Recognition

One of the main benefits of combining hearing aids with other assistive technologies is improved speech recognition. Hearing aids are designed to amplify sound, but they do not always enhance speech understanding in noisy environments. This is where assistive technologies come in. 

For instance, a remote microphone can amplify the speaker’s voice in a noisy environment, making it easier for the individual to understand what is being said. Some hearing aids also come equipped with directional microphones, which can help filter out background noise and focus on the sound source, such as the speaker’s voice.

Increased Comfort

Hearing aids come in various styles, including in-the-ear (ITE), behind-the-ear (BTE) and in-the-canal (ITC). While each type has its advantages, they all have limitations. For instance, ITE hearing aids may not be suitable for individuals with severe hearing loss, and BTE hearing aids are the largest type of hearing aid. 

Combining hearing aids with other assistive technologies can help overcome these limitations and increase comfort. For example, a telecoil can be used with a BTE hearing aid to eliminate feedback and improve sound quality. Also, some hearing aids come with custom molds that can be designed to fit the individual’s ear perfectly. This can significantly help in improving comfort and reducing audio feedback for people who use hearing aids. 

Improved Connectivity

In today’s world, connectivity is essential. For example, many hearing aids now come with Bluetooth connectivity, allowing individuals to stream music, phone calls and other audio directly to their hearing aids. However, some individuals may require additional assistive technologies to improve connectivity. 

For instance, you can use a streamer to connect the hearing aids to a television, allowing the individual to watch TV without disturbing others. Additionally, you can use an frequency modulated (FM) system to connect the hearing aids to a speaker system in a conference room, making it easier for the individual to hear and participate in meetings.

Improved Safety

Individuals with hearing problems may face safety issues, such as not hearing emergency alarms or being unable to hear traffic while walking. Combining hearing aids with other assistive technologies can improve safety by alerting the individual to potential hazards. 

For example, you can use a personal sound amplifier to amplify sounds such as emergency alarms and sirens. Additionally, you can use a vibrating alarm to wake the individual up in the morning, ensuring they are not late for work or appointments.

Improved Quality of Life

Finally, combining hearing aids with other assistive technologies can improve the individual’s quality of life. Hearing loss can be isolating, making communicating with loved ones and participating in social activities challenging. Individuals with hearing loss can regain their confidence and independence with these assistive technologies by improving speech recognition, comfort, connectivity and safety. In addition, these new accommodations can allow people with hearing loss to enjoy life to the fullest. 

Hearing aids are an excellent solution for individuals with hearing loss, but they may not always be enough. By combining hearing aids with other assistive technologies, individuals can improve speech recognition, comfort, connectivity, safety and quality of life. 

If you or a loved one are experiencing hearing problems, contact Flynn Associates at Concord: (978) 759-3540 or Wellesley: (781) 943-5040 to schedule an appointment with an audiologist today. Our team of experienced audiologists can perform a comprehensive hearing evaluation to determine the extent of your hearing loss and recommend the best course of action.

Tags: benefits of hearing aids, hearing aid technology