If you wear hearing aids, you know their importance to your daily life. They help you stay connected to the world, allowing you to hear sounds you might otherwise miss. But like any technology, hearing aids require proper care and maintenance to work at their best. In this blog post, we’ll review some essential tips for caring for your hearing aids so that you can keep them in good working order for years.

Cleaning Your Hearing Aids Regularly

Cleaning your hearing aids is one of the most crucial ways to keep them working correctly. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe down the outside of your hearing aids every day. You can also use a soft-bristled brush to clean the microphones and other small openings. Finally, you shouldn’t use any liquids or harsh chemicals to clean your hearing aids as these could cause damage to them.

Storing Your Hearing Aids Properly

When storing your hearing aids, choosing the right place is essential. Store them in a dry, cool location without direct sunlight. If they’re exposed to extreme heat or humidity, it can damage the internal components, so make sure to avoid this. If your hearing aids come with a storage case or pouch, use it to keep them safe and protected when you’re not wearing them.

Changing Your Hearing Aid Batteries Regularly

Regularly changing your hearing aid batteries is crucial to keep them functioning at their best. Most hearing aids will give you a warning beep or indicator light when the battery runs low. Make sure to have extra batteries on hand, so you can replace them as soon as needed. If you need help changing your hearing aid batteries, your audiologist can show you how to do it properly.

Being Careful with Your Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are delicate requiring careful handling to prevent damage. Avoid dropping or knocking them against hard surfaces, which can cause internal damage. When putting on or taking off your hearing aids, make sure to do it over a soft surface, such as a bed or couch. Additionally, if you’re playing sports or doing any activity that could damage your hearing aids, consider removing and storing them safely until you finish playing. 

Protecting Your Hearing Aids from Moisture

Moisture is one of the biggest enemies of hearing aids, so it’s essential to protect them from it. If you are in a humid environment, such as a sauna or hot tub, consider removing your hearing aids until afterward. You can also purchase special drying devices that help to remove any moisture from the device, which can help to prevent damage.

Getting Your Hearing Aids Serviced Regularly

Regular servicing is crucial to keep your hearing aids working at their best. Your audiologist can check your hearing aids and make necessary repairs or adjustments. They can also clean your hearing aids thoroughly, removing any debris or earwax buildup. You should have your hearing aids serviced at least once a year, but if you notice any issues with their performance, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment.

Being Mindful of Earwax Buildup

Earwax buildup is a common issue for hearing aid wearers, as the devices can trap earwax inside the ear canal. The wax buildup can affect their performance, causing a decrease in sound quality or volume. Therefore, it’s essential to clean your hearing aids regularly to prevent earwax buildup. Additionally, you should have your ears checked and cleaned periodically to prevent excessive earwax buildup.

Knowing When to Replace Your Hearing Aids

While hearing aids can last for several years, eventually, they will need to be replaced. If you’re experiencing any issues with your hearing aids that you can’t fix with a simple repair, such as a decrease in performance or frequent breakdowns, it may be time to consider purchasing a new device. Your audiologist can help you choose the right hearing aid for your needs and budget and guide you through selecting and fitting a new device.

Caring for your hearing aids is crucial to ensure their longevity and performance. Following these simple tips, you can keep your hearing aids working at their best and avoid unnecessary repairs or replacements. Remember to clean your hearing aids regularly, store them properly and prevent earwax buildup. If you’re experiencing any issues with your hearing aids, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your audiologist.

If you have any questions about caring for your hearing aids or need to schedule a service appointment, contact Flynn Associates. Our team of experienced audiologists can help you with all your hearing aid needs and provide the best solutions for your hearing health. So don’t let hearing loss affect your quality of life – take action today and schedule an appointment with our team in Concord at (978) 759-3540 and Wellesley at (781) 943-5040.